Woke up to a drizzly morning! Delayed leaving hotel until about 8:45 a.m. due to the rain. It has stopped but was VERY foggy out but decided I needed to get rolling anyway.
Hard to believe the highway right outside the motel was US 287. My 3rd time to ride on it this trek. This is also the highway we take to go to Colorado all the time. Fortunately the traffic was light and shoulder clean and wide AND I was only going to be on it for about 4 miles before I exited to FM327 going East for 29 miles.
Still foggy as you can see but not raining or slippery. My clothes were soaked but temps were nice … mid 60s. The route had me crossing the Neches River.

Eventually turned onto US96. Other than the traffic noise, this was a great road for cycling due to the excellent shoulders. Saw this house that had spiral brick columns as this was the 2nd house I had to take a snapshot of it.

I arrived in Kirbyville about 12:30 p.m I have to say this was, so far, the best day for cycling. Great shoulders, no hills and very little wind. My legs felt strong and I was able to up my average speed. My body maybe adjusting to all the abuse I’m giving it 🙂 Settled into my hotel and was able to make my 1:15 p.m. zoom meeting.
Following the meeting I realized I haven’t had anything to eat all day. Search google maps and found a restaurant that looked pretty good about 6 blocks away so I walked there. Great food as I had their Monday special as shown on the sign. They had some fun light fixtures that I had to take a pic.
Stats for the day:

Tomorrow I cross the state border to Louisiana and have my first stay with a WarmShowers host.